Step 1: Choose Avatar → Setting.

Step 2: Choose Account → Information. You can change the Account information such ad Business name, Email, Country, Address, Foundation, Scale, etc.

Question 1: If I change the login email and phone number, will I lose my account?
Answer: When you change the email or phone number, the system will only update the information, and the data associated with the account will not be lost.
Question 2: Can I transfer my account to someone else?
Answer: If the admin no longer works for the company, another account can be enabled/disabled to act as the new admin.
Question 3: If I change my package, how will the information be updated?
Answer: In case of upgrading the package, employee information does not need to be adjusted; only the information related to the package needs updating, e.g., upgrading the payroll package will update salary/allowance/payroll details.