100% digitization of business documents

Tanca helps your business remove 100% of paper papers with a highly customizable approval system.

Digitize all paperwork

Digitize all business documents from leave requests, business trips, R&D, advance and returns, vehicle requests...

Build form templates

Easily build form templates and setup multiple hierarchical approval processes.

Customize form approval process

Customize the approval process for each type of form, including key deadlines and reporting steps.

Automatic notifications

Automatically notify via application or email when approval is needed.

Approval workflow

No limits on approval workflows for each type of form.

Copy approval configurations

Easily copy approval configurations for different types of forms.

Unlimited attachments

Unlimited attachments of files, images, or various types of documents for each form.

Set up approvers

Set up approvers by title, department, selection, or organizational units.

Digitize all contracts

Digitize all the contracts and allow digital signatures on contracts.

Digital document signing

Go entirely digital with documents and forms that enable digital signatures.

Internal document signing

Digitally sign internal company documents.

Comprehensive solution

Integrate multiple digital signature providers on one platform.

Convenient solution

Easily track insurance payment history.

Compliance and transparency

Insurance information is tracked according to transparent rules.

Insurance management optimization

Optimize insurance management processes and data.

Insurance information

Manage insurance information for each employee profile.