Setting up employee fields

Tóm tắt bài viết


Introduction: This section helps you set up various types of fields such as employment type, reward, and discipline type, temporary advance-reimbursement type, working specialization, overtime type, etc., so that when your employees submit requests, they can choose the appropriate types based on their needs.


Step 1: Log in to the website and go to the Avatar section at the top right corner. 

Step 2: Enter information such as name and detailed field description, and click Create

Employment type: Probation, permanent...

Major: technology, technical, business administration, marketing, etc.

Overtime type: regular day overtime, holiday overtime, the festival overtime.

Discipline: discipline types such as attendance violation, uniform violation, company property damage, etc.

Bonus: diligence, good work attitude.

Meal allowance: meal allowances such as breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Advance-reimbursement: Company supplies and equipment costs, fuel costs, business trip costs.

In case you want to edit the created data:

Step 1: Click on the three-dot icon and select Edit (or Delete) 

Step 2: Save 



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