Open shifts

Tóm tắt bài viết


Introduction: You can create an open shift if you need employees to work on a specific shift. The shift opening notifies the department, and employees selected can register to work on this shift. For example, if you manage a restaurant and need additional serving staff for a particular shift, you will create a shift opening and inform the number of employees required to work that shift. Employees will receive notifications and register for the shift opening. Managers can monitor the registration status of this shift opening on the system.


Step 1: Log into the Web and the Timesheet section

Step 2: Go to the Open Shifts section in the Timesheet Board and click the "+" button. 

Step 3: Choose the information you want to announce to everyone.

Choose shift: The shift you wish to apply

Branch: Choose a branch or department, employee

Quantity: Choose the number of employees needed

Auto Public: Allow this information to be sent to all employees immediately.

If you do not select this item, the shifts will be created on time tracking Board and show the Announce button. It would be best if you announced the shift, then the shift information will be sent to employees.

Step 4: The information will be sent to the employee's mobile application. 

Step 7: Employees go to the Register Shift section to choose the shift opening and register. 

Step 8: Managers can see the number of registered employees for the shift opening. 



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