Active and inactive accounts:
Step 1: Choose Employees → Edit employee's account

Step 2: Choose Employment → Job information
Step 3: Turn on/off Active and Save

Retirement account:
Step 1: Choose Employees → Edit employee's account

Step 2: Choose Employment → Employment status
Step 3: Choose Quit Job/Quit reason/The last working day → Save

Pending account:
Step 1: Choose Employees → Edit employee's account

Step 2: Choose Employment → Employment status
Step 4: Choose Start working Date. If Start working Date is in the future, the employee will be saved in Pending status.

You can check the number of accounts in different statuses by:
Step 1: Choose Employees → Filter Active/Inactive/Quit/Not working/All

Question 1: If I deactivate an employee, can they still clock in?
Answer: No, if you deactivate an employee, they will not be able to perform any actions on Tanca, including logging into the system.
Question 2: What is the purpose of deactivating an employee?
Answer: If your company is using Tanca on a yearly basis and based on the number of employees, deactivating an employee allows you to retain their records, including personal information, timekeeping, and payroll details, without incurring additional costs for that employee.
Question 3: If an employee leaves and later returns, do I need to create a new account on Tanca?
Answer: If an employee leaves and later returns, you can move their status from inactive to active in the employee list without having to create a new account.