Create multi-level approval workflow

In this section, you create approval workflows for individual requests. Employees are the senders and recipients of requests to be approved, and viewers can view the requests.

Step 1: Choose Avatar → Setting.

Step 2: Choose Request → Workflow → Create to create a new Request Approval


Step 3: Fill in the initialization information, including the Initiator and Approver → Create to create a new Request Approval/

Initiator section:

Step 1: Setup a name for the workflow.

Step 2: Choose the applicable branch, department/employee → Save

Approver section:

Step 1: Choose request approver, or you can select by job title in a specific department, or by direct manager.

Step 2: Approval method: choose 1 of the these methods.

Step 3: Notifier: When you select a notifier, that person can only view the request (cannot approve the request).


  • If you want to create multi-level approvals, click the plus sign and create additional levels of approval similar to the first level 


  • If other types of requests have the same approval workflow already created, you can simply copy the existing approval workflow

If you want to make adjustments to a copied workflow, just update the original workflow, and the system will prompt 'Do you want to update related process?'

How to identify the original workflow: choose the "?" at the end of the workflow name 

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