Building an Evaluation Template

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After establishing evaluation criteria, you create an Evaluation Template. The Evaluation Template will include the synthesized criteria, including the individuals participating in the evaluation, desired objectives, evaluation weights, and scoring formulas for these KPIs.


Step 1: Log in to the website and go to the KPI section. 

Step 2: Click on the KPI Sheet

Step 3: In the KPI Sheet click the Create button.

• KPI Sheet Name: Usually named after the evaluation period or type of KPI evaluation. For example, Departmental KPI Evaluation, Revenue KPI, Marketing Department KPI.

• Keywords: The system will automatically assign keywords based on the KPI Template name you have chosen.

• Employee permissions: You can assign permissions to employees who will manage this template.

• EvaluatorsEvaluators are the individuals who will score this type of KPI.

• Evaluation weight: Can be based on multiple evaluators to determine the weight.

• Synthesized KPI: You select from the list of synthesized KPIs.

• KPI Name: You select from the list of individual KPIs.

• Weight: The weight of the individual KPI in the synthesized KPI.

• Target: The target set for this individual KPI.

• Formula: The formula is the calculation method for this individual KPI. To understand more about the calculation formulas on Tanca, you can refer to the formula section under Salary.

• Self-assessment: If you want individuals to self-assess their achievement for these individual KPIs, you can toggle the Self-assessment button. For example, individuals input daily sales revenue, self-assess work attitude, teamwork spirit...

• Weight: You can set the weight as 100% if you want to take the entire score of individual assessment and the evaluator only needs to view the assessment results of that individual.

• Calculation of Total KPI Score: Automatic calculation is the system will automatically sum up all the scores based on the scoring formula. Calculation according to the formula is that you can create your own formula according to your preferences.

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