OKR management

OKR (Objectives and Key Results) management is the process of setting, tracking, and adjusting objectives and key results within the OKR performance management system. The OKR method helps organizations or individuals shape their strategy, identify critical objectives, and measure progress towards achieving those objectives using clear quantitative indicators.

Step 1: Choose More → OKR 

Step 2: Choose the OKR you want 

Step 3: Choose Add group 

Step 4: Choose Add Target or + button to add new target


Step 1: Choose Detail 

Step 2: Enter the information 

Step 3: Choose a Result to create the key result 

Results: Allows you to manually input the completion rate.

Tasks: Lets you select a task from the Task Assignment feature. When that task is marked as completed, the result for this objective will also be marked as completed.

Step 4: Assign Collaborators if you want someone else to track progress with you

Note: You can manage personal objectives under the "My Target" section.


Question 1: What is OKR?

Answer: OKR (Objectives and Key Results) is a goal management method that helps organizations and individuals set, track, and achieve important goals. OKRs are used to ensure that all members of the organization are aligned towards the same objectives and can track progress clearly and transparently.

Question 2: What is the structure of OKR?

Answer: The structure of OKR includes:

Objectives (Mục tiêu): These are significant, specific, and inspiring goals you want to achieve. Objectives are typically described in brief, clear, and easy-to-understand statements to motivate the entire team.
Example: “Increase customer satisfaction.”

Key Results (Kết quả chính): These are specific metrics used to measure the achievement of the objective. Key Results should be quantitative, measurable, and clearly reflect progress toward the objective.
Example: “Increase customer satisfaction rate by 20% in 6 months.”

Question 3: What are the benefits of using OKR management on Tanca?

Answer: The benefits of OKR management include:

Creating Focus: Helps organizations or individuals concentrate on the most important goals and ensures all efforts are directed toward achieving those goals.

Encouraging Transparency: Provides a clear view of progress and performance, enhancing coordination and communication within the organization.

Enhancing Motivation: Sets challenging and clear goals to encourage effort and continuous improvement.

Evaluating Effectiveness: Helps organizations accurately assess the effectiveness of strategies and make necessary adjustments to achieve better results.

OKR management helps organizations and individuals stay focused on strategic goals, ensure that specific actions are taken to achieve desired outcomes, and improve overall performance.

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