Update at 2025-01-04 03:27:21

60 Best Stay Interview Questions to Ask Your Employees

Asking the right Stay Interview Questions is essential for retaining your top employees and keeping them engaged in their roles. Stay interviews are an effective way to gather feedback from your employees and address any concerns they may have before they become a retention issue.

In this article, we'll cover what stay interviews are, why they're important, and provide you with a comprehensive list of questions to help you conduct successful stay interviews. By utilizing these stay interview questions, you can gain valuable insights into your employees' motivations and needs, and take steps to improve retention rates and foster a more engaged workforce.

What is a stay interview?

stay interview

A stay interview is a process that enables managers to assess why their employees, particularly high performers, choose to stay with the organization. This type of interview typically involves a relaxed conversation between a manager and an employee in which the manager asks a series of predetermined questions.

Although the term stay interview might suggest that the primary goal is to retain employees, it is, in fact, more focused on gathering valuable feedback from employees that can help improve their satisfaction and engagement at work.

Read more: 60 Cultural Interview Questions

Why should you conduct stay interviews?

Conducting stay interviews

Conducting stay interviews is essential for organizations to identify and retain their best talent.

By engaging in a one-on-one conversation with employees, managers can gather valuable feedback, assess employee engagement levels, and take necessary actions to enhance job satisfaction. It helps managers understand what motivates employees to stay with the company and how they can improve the work environment to increase employee engagement, productivity, and performance.

Additionally, stay interviews provide an opportunity for employees to voice their concerns, feedback, and suggestions that can help managers address potential issues and improve employee retention rates.

Overall, conducting stay interviews can help organizations create a positive work culture, increase employee satisfaction and retention, and ultimately drive business success.

Read more: Internal Interview Questions

How to Conduct a Stay Interview?

Prepare a list of questions

Conducting a successful stay interview requires careful planning and execution. Here are some steps to follow when conducting a stay interview:

  1. Prepare a list of questions: Determine the questions you want to ask in advance. Focus on open-ended questions that encourage your employees to share their thoughts and feelings.
  2. Choose a comfortable setting: Choose a private location that is comfortable and conducive to open communication. This will make your employees feel more relaxed and willing to share their thoughts.
  3. Explain the purpose of the interview: Be clear about why you are conducting the interview and what you hope to achieve. Emphasize that the interview is an opportunity for the employee to provide feedback and discuss any concerns they may have.
  4. Encourage honest feedback: Create an environment where your employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and opinions. Encourage honesty and assure them that their feedback will be kept confidential.
  5. Listen actively: Listen carefully to what your employees have to say. Take notes and ask follow-up questions to gain a deeper understanding of their concerns.
  6. Develop an action plan: Based on the feedback you receive, develop a plan to address any issues or concerns that are raised. Follow up with your employees to let them know what actions have been taken.
  7. Repeat regularly: Conduct stay interviews on a regular basis to keep a pulse on employee satisfaction and identify any emerging issues before they become bigger problems.

Read more: The Company Values Examples

Best Stay Interview Questions

Employee engagement

Employee Engagement Questions

Employee engagement is a crucial aspect of conducting stay interviews. By engaging employees in conversations about their job satisfaction and needs, you can help foster a sense of ownership and commitment to their work and the organization. This can lead to increased productivity, better job performance, and a higher likelihood of employee retention.

Effective stay interview questions can help identify areas where employees feel engaged and motivated in their work, as well as areas where they may feel disengaged or unfulfilled. Asking questions about their job responsibilities, their work environment, and their interactions with colleagues can help uncover opportunities for improvement.

  1. What motivates you to come to work every day?
  2. How satisfied are you with your current role? Is there anything that would make it better?
  3. Are there any skills or training you would like to acquire to further your career development?
  4. How would you describe your relationship with your immediate supervisor?
  5. Are there any workplace policies or practices that you find particularly helpful or challenging?
  6. What do you value most about working for our company?
  7. Do you feel like your work is recognized and appreciated by your colleagues and management?
  8. Are there any changes you would like to see in the workplace culture?
  9. How can we better support your work-life balance?
  10. Is there anything that you believe we can do to improve employee engagement and satisfaction within the organization?

 Job Satisfaction Question

One of the main objectives of conducting stay interviews is to understand and improve employee job satisfaction. Job satisfaction refers to how content and fulfilled an employee feels with their job, including their work tasks, colleagues, company culture, and overall work environment. When employees are satisfied with their job, they are more likely to stay with the company long-term and perform at a high level, leading to increased productivity and profitability for the organization.

Stay interviews can be a valuable tool in gauging employee job satisfaction, as they provide a platform for open and honest communication between managers and employees. By asking targeted questions, managers can gain insights into what motivates their employees, what aspects of their job they enjoy, and what areas they feel need improvement. This information can then be used to make meaningful changes to the work environment or company culture that can increase employee job satisfaction and engagement.

Some examples of stay interview questions related to job satisfaction include:

  1. What do you enjoy most about your job?
  2. What aspects of your job do you find most challenging?
  3. How well do your job responsibilities align with your skills and interests?
  4. What can we do to support your career development within the company?
  5. Are you satisfied with the level of recognition and rewards you receive for your work?
  6. How would you rate the work-life balance in your current role?
  7. Do you feel your contributions to the company are valued and appreciated?
  8. What changes could we make to the work environment to improve your job satisfaction?
  9. Are there any obstacles or challenges that are preventing you from performing at your best?
  10. How can we better support you in achieving your professional and personal goals?

Career Development Questions

Career development is an essential aspect of employee retention, and therefore, it's important to include career development questions in stay interviews. These questions help managers understand what employees need to stay engaged and committed to their work.

Below are some examples of career development questions that can be included in stay interviews:

  1. What skills or knowledge would you like to develop to enhance your career?
  2. What are your long-term career aspirations, and how can we help you achieve them?
  3. How do you see your role evolving within the company over the next few years?
  4. Are there any training or development opportunities you think would benefit you and the company?
  5. What are the biggest challenges you face in your role, and how can we support you in overcoming them?
  6. Do you feel that your current role is utilizing your full potential? If not, what other opportunities interest you?
  7. What type of work do you find most fulfilling, and how can we incorporate more of that into your role?
  8. Do you feel that there are enough growth opportunities within the company for you? If not, what additional opportunities would you like to see?
  9. Are there any job-related skills or experiences that you feel you are missing, and how can we help you acquire them?
  10. In what ways can we help you balance your professional development with your personal goals and responsibilities?

Company Culture And Values Questions

When conducting stay interviews, it's important to ask questions about company culture and values to understand if employees feel aligned with the organization's mission and vision. This can help identify potential areas of improvement to increase employee engagement and retention.

Some example questions related to company culture and values include:

  1. How do you feel about the company's mission and vision?
  2. Do you feel like the company's values align with your personal values?
  3. How would you describe the company culture?
  4. Do you feel like the company supports a diverse and inclusive workplace?
  5. Do you feel like your team is collaborative and supportive?
  6. How do you feel about the work-life balance at the company?
  7. How does the company recognize and celebrate employee achievements?
  8. Do you feel like the company values employee feedback and ideas?
  9. How does the company support employee wellness and mental health?
  10. Do you feel like the company is committed to sustainability and corporate social responsibility?

Work-Life Balance Questions

Work-life balance is an important aspect of employee satisfaction and can significantly impact their decision to stay with the company. As such, it's essential to include questions related to work-life balance in stay interviews. These questions can help managers identify any issues that may be affecting the employee's work-life balance and work with them to find solutions. Some examples of work-life balance questions that can be included in stay interviews are:

  1. Do you feel like you have a good balance between your work and personal life?
  2. How often do you find yourself working outside of your regular work hours?
  3. Do you feel like you have enough time to recharge and take care of yourself outside of work?
  4. Are there any work-related tasks that you feel are negatively impacting your work-life balance?
  5. Are there any company policies or practices that could be improved to better support work-life balance?
  6. How can we better support you in achieving a healthy work-life balance?
  7. Have you been able to take advantage of any of our company's work-life balance initiatives, such as flexible scheduling or remote work?
  8. Are there any personal or family commitments that we should be aware of when scheduling your work?
  9. Do you feel like your workload is manageable, or are you often overwhelmed with tasks?
  10. Is there anything else we can do to help you achieve a healthy work-life balance?

Managerial Relationship Questions

Managerial relationship questions are an essential part of Stay Interview Questions. Employees' relationships with their managers can significantly impact their job satisfaction, engagement, and retention. As a result, it is crucial to ask questions that allow employees to provide feedback on their relationship with their manager. Here are some examples of managerial relationship questions for stay interviews:

  1. How would you rate your relationship with your manager?
  2. Do you feel comfortable talking to your manager about work-related issues?
  3. Do you feel your manager values your opinion?
  4. How would you rate your manager's communication skills?
  5. Do you feel your manager provides you with enough feedback on your work?
  6. How would you rate your manager's leadership style?
  7. Do you feel your manager provides you with enough support to achieve your career goals?
  8. Have you ever felt your manager has played favorites with certain employees?
  9. How would you rate your manager's ability to provide constructive feedback?
  10. Do you feel your manager provides you with enough recognition and appreciation for your work?

Read more: What to wear to a job interview

What Not to Ask in a Stay Interview?

While stay interviews can be a valuable tool for gathering feedback and improving employee satisfaction and engagement, there are certain questions that should be avoided. Asking inappropriate or sensitive questions can make employees feel uncomfortable or even violated, which could ultimately lead to negative consequences for the organization.

Here are some topics to avoid during a stay interview:

  • Personal life: Avoid asking employees about their personal lives, such as their marital status, family planning, or health issues. These topics are private and could be considered intrusive.
  • Discriminatory questions: Stay away from any questions that could be interpreted as discriminatory based on an employee’s race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or other personal characteristics.
  • Salary and compensation: Stay interviews are not the time to discuss an employee’s salary or compensation. These topics are best left for performance evaluations or other formal meetings.
  • Job security: Asking about job security could create unnecessary anxiety for the employee, especially if the organization is going through a difficult time.
  • Negative feedback: While stay interviews are a time to gather constructive feedback, it’s important to frame questions in a positive way. Avoid asking questions that could be perceived as negative or critical, such as “What do you dislike about your job?” Instead, focus on asking questions that encourage employees to provide suggestions for improvement.

Stay Interviews Vs Exit Interviews

Stay interviews are different from exit interviews because they are conducted with current employees rather than those who have resigned. The timing of exit interviews is during the offboarding process when an employee is leaving the organization, while stay interviews take place while employees are still working with the company. The purpose of exit interviews is to shape employees' last impressions of the company and the image they may convey to others outside the organization.

Stay Interviews

Exit Interviews

Conducted with current employeesConducted with employees who are leaving the company
Aim to gather feedback from employees and improve employee satisfaction and engagementAim to shape the last impressions employees have of the company
An opportunity for managers to speak with current employees about their satisfaction with their position or the companyAn opportunity to understand why employees are leaving the company and what can be improved
Questions focus on the employee's current role, career goals, and job satisfactionQuestions focus on the reasons for leaving, the employee's experience at the company, and suggestions for improvement
Predetermined set of questions are askedOpen-ended questions are asked
Informal conversation between a manager and an employeeFormal conversation between an HR representative and a departing employee
Helps to retain high-performing employeesHelps to improve the company's retention strategy and reduce employee turnover


Who should conduct stay interviews?

Any manager or HR professional responsible for employee engagement and retention can conduct stay interviews: Supervisor, manager, team leader, or HR professional. The most important thing is that the interviewer is trained to ask questions that reveal employee needs, concerns, and motivations.

What are the results of a stay interview?

The results of a stay interview can include increased employee engagement, improved job satisfaction, enhanced retention rates, and better understanding of employee needs and concerns. It can also help identify areas of improvement for the organization and opportunities for career development.

Should I be honest in a stay interview?

Yes, it is important to be honest in a stay interview as it allows employers to address any concerns or issues that may be impacting employee retention. However, it is also important to provide constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement in a professional and respectful manner.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, conducting stay interviews can greatly benefit organizations in retaining their valuable employees and improving employee engagement, job satisfaction, and career development.

With the right questions and approach, stay interviews can provide valuable insights into employee experiences and preferences, enabling organizations to take proactive measures to address potential issues and improve their workplace culture.

To learn more about HR tips, we invite you to read more on Tanca's blog. Additionally, feel free to reach out to us for HR software solutions to enhance your employee management processes. Thank you for considering Tanca for your HR needs.

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