View payslip on the web

In this section, the system allows employees to go online to view their payslips

Step 1: Log in to the web app at

Step 2: Go to the Payslips section.

Step 3: Select the month for which you want to view the payslip.

Step 4: Choose the payslip you want to view.


Question 1: Why does a probationary employee appear on the official payroll? 

Answer: Check the employee's profile to ensure the probation start date is correctly entered. If the probation start date is not filled in, the system will default to calculating from the official start date.

Question 2: Who has the authority to edit formulas in the payroll? Answer: Only the administrator (admin root) or employees with specific permissions for payroll can modify the payroll formulas.

Question 3: Why does the data entered into the payroll disappear after logging out? 

Answer: Ensure you press the "ENTER" key to save the data you enter directly into the payroll sheet. This action saves the information before exiting.

Question 4: Why can't employees view their payslips on the app? 

Answer: Employees should ask their manager to check if the payslips have been published on the web. If not, the payslips may not be visible on the app.

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