Employment Information

Tóm tắt bài viết

Employment Information

Step 1: Click on the profile of the employee you want to view or edit, and select the "Employment" section.

• Employment status:

Probation date: The date the employee started probationary work at the organization.

Start working date: The date the employee officially started working at the organization.

Contract expiration date: The date the labor contract expires.

Employment type: Select the corresponding type of employment contract, such as probationary, regular, or temporary.

Configured late/early leave minutes: The time allowed for employees to arrive late or leave early is different from the late/early exit permitted time for other departments or employees.

Note: Before switching to another folder, click "Update" to save the latest editing status. If you forget this step and exit this section, the system will return to the previous information before the adjustment.

Job information:

Region: Create information about the areas where your business operates.

Branch: A branch is a child of a region, usually where employees work.

Dual-branch assignment: Allows employees to be clocked in at multiple branches besides their main Branch.

Departmental dual-assignment: Employees work or support between two departments, so you can assign them a dual department in addition to their primary department.

Position dual-assignment: Employees have two Task titles so that you can assign them a dual position in addition to their main title.

Access group: Access groups are used to grant permissions to employees (staff, managers, etc.). There are four main access groups:

-> Manager: Highest access group can view and manage the entire employee list in the system.

-> Region Manager: Only the employee list in Manager's region can be viewed.

-> Branch Manager: Can only view and manage the employee list in the main Branch and dual branches of the Manager.

-> Employee: Employees in this access group can only use the features on the app, not login to the website.

Direct Manager: The Manager who works directly with this employee; you can also update this information for use in the request approval process.

Activity: Allows activation or deactivation of an account.

Department Head: Department head can only manage and view employees in that department.

Highest Administration Rights: The highest administration account can use all features in the system.

• Promotion history: When an employee is decided to receive a salary increase, the system will record the salary increase process, including information such as effective date, contract type, and contract attachment 


• Work experience: Stores information about the units where the employee has worked.

• Salary allowances:

Payment method: You can pay employees based on various forms such as hourly, monthly, product-based, revenue-based, etc.

Salary grade name: Each salary grade corresponds to a level, and you can name it as you wish.

Salary changes: In a pay period where an employee is entitled to two different salary levels, this section will calculate the two salary levels based on the corresponding period.

Allowances: These allowances are fixed and do not change monthly, such as lunch allowance, housing allowance, and seniority allowance.

Other income: In addition to the base salary, you can create other salary levels, such as probationary salary and social insurance contribution, in this section.

Contract: Detailed contact information of the employee.

Insurance: Insurance information, including insurance code and medical insurance card number.

Step 2: Click on "Save" to save the added or adjusted information.


