Ngày cập nhật 2025-03-28 19:24:02

What is the Media Environment? Elements of Media Environment

What is the media environment? is not a new question but is still an interesting topic that many people are interested in. However, not everyone clearly understands the concept of the media environment. Follow the article below by Tanca to have a more general view of this concern.

What is the media environment?

media environment

The media environment includes all the factors surrounding people. It includes both natural environmental factors and social environmental factors. Media is considered a means of promotion and plays a decisive role in the existence and development of a brand. Today, media plays an important role in quickly bringing the brands of businesses closer to customers.

Media uses mass media such as word of mouth, radio, television and the internet to convey images and messages about businesses to a wide audience. Currently, media needs to be built in a realistic and unique way, combining images and videos to attract customers' attention. Media is also a tool to guide customer behavior. Through the process of promoting and sharing information, media plays an important role in building trust and brand of businesses in the hearts of customers. Media is also a multidimensional activity.

Media in the environment has a direct or indirect impact on changing the perceptions, attitudes and behaviors of the community. Through this, it promotes community participation in commercial and advertising activities.

Media environmental factors

The media environment is the set of all factors surrounding humans, including two main factors: social environmental factors and natural environmental factors.

  • In terms of technical principles: non-digital technical systems use a range of continuous values to represent information, while digital techniques use discontinuous values to represent input, processing, transmission and storage information... Digital signals exist as sequences of numbers over time. The common way of calling is to use the bits "0" and "1". Digital techniques and technologies are widely used in communication; it is called digital information and communication technology and techniques. There are digital television, digital radio, multimedia communication and multi-platform press...
  • In the communication process, communicators need to pay attention to psychological and social factors, because these factors significantly impact and coordinate the communication capacity and effectiveness. The excitement, intensity of attention, responsibility, enthusiasm and quality of participation, along with the mood, psychology... of the audience/target group receiving the message, are among the psychological and social environmental factors that affect the quality of communication. Therefore, the communicator needs to make efforts to master the communication environment. First of all, it is necessary to focus on preparing message content suitable for the target audience group to stimulate attention and attract participation. On the other hand, take advantage of all conditions to attract the participation of the audience/media target group.
  • Natural environmental factors: ensure that the message is transmitted to the audience completely and fully. These are factors such as landscape, terrain, sun, rain... that can affect the technical means of transmission, having a direct and indirect impact on the quality of communication. Bad weather can affect the quality of radio waves, except for digital radio communication. Mountainous terrain can block radio and television signals. Noise and the structure of the room or hall can also affect the quality of the message received. These barriers can be overcome with adequate preparation or investment.

Communication models


Vertical Communication

Vertical communication is a form of communication without discussion and feedback. In this communication, the sender of the message does not know exactly who the message recipient is or the effectiveness of the communication. Mass media such as newspapers, radio and television are used as vertical communication tools.

Vertical communication is often less expensive and is suitable for global and national environmental issues. This type of vertical communication is very effective when communicating about issues of public concern.

Horizontal Communication

Horizontal communication is a form of communication in which there is discussion and feedback between the message recipient and the sender. This type of horizontal communication is more complex and costly, but is very effective.

Horizontal communication is now considered suitable for project levels and has contributed to solving local and community environmental problems.

Model-based communication

Model-based communication is the most advanced and effective form of communication. In this communication, the model is used as a direct location for visiting. At this location, communication experts and the public can directly exchange, discuss, observe and evaluate the model. For example, a model can be about sustainable resource use or environmental protection such as chemical packaging management to protect plants.

Model-based communication is very suitable for industrial zones, handicrafts, rural areas and mountainous areas, where the public needs to clearly see the actual value, cost and effectiveness of the model.


So we have just sent you information about What is Media environment? With the knowledge we have sent, we hope that you can take advantage of the media environment to attract more public attention, thereby bringing many good values to society. Follow Tanca's articles to update more useful information.

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