Scheduling by Branch, Employee, Department and Importing files

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Introduction: Managers can arrange work schedules for employees on each shift, helping them keep track of their work schedules. The system will notify employees of their work schedules when shifts are scheduled or changed. There are five ways for managers to schedule shifts on the system:

Scheduling by branch


Step 1: Log in to the Web and go to the Timesheet section

Step 2: select "Scheduling." 

Step 3: Choose the branch you want to arrange shifts for. Use the forward and backward buttons to find the desired shift.

Step 4: Click the "Add" button to add employees to the shift or the "Trash" button to remove employees from the shift. 

Scheduling by employee


Step 1: Log in to the Web and go to the Timesheet section

Step 2: Note that the filter is set to "By Employee". Click the "Add" button on the Time Sheet. 

Step 3: Choose the shift you want to add. Note that you can choose multiple shifts in one day. 

Scheduling by department


Step 1: Log in to the Web and go to the Timesheet section.

Step 2: Note that the filter is set to "By Department." Click the "Add" button on the Time Sheet. 

Step 3: Choose the shift you want to add. Note that you can choose multiple shifts in one day. 

Scheduling by importing a file


Step 1: Log in to the Web and go to the Timesheet section

Step 2: Click the "Shift Assignment" button and select "Import Data ~ Import Shift Data".

Step 3: Download the file template.

Step 4: Enter shift keywords in the file. 

Step 5: Upload the file to the system. 

