Custom Configuration

After you have entered the necessary information for task management, you can configure the settings to manage tasks. There are 2 configurations that need to be set up for task management in the Tanca system: • Time notification configuration: Users can schedule reminders for important tasks or assignments in the Tanca system. This helps ensure that no tasks are missed and deadlines are met. • Permission configuration based on account type and Task editing permission: You can assign detailed permissions to account groups or Task Assignors/Task Assignees/Task Followers or Members to allow them to use certain features in the Task Management section


Step 1: Choose Tasks

Step 2: Choose a project.

Step 3: Select each Configuration option to set up according to your needs.

• Edit notification time: Adjust the time for notifications.

• Authorization of use by account type: Manager and Member.

View master report: Permission to view summary report of task results.

Create new task: Permission to create new tasks.

Create or update a new workgroup: Permission to create and edit task groups within the project (name, color).

View other people's work: View tasks assigned to and created by others.

Create or update rules: Permission to create and edit rules within the project.

Create or update fields: Permission to create and edit attributes within the project.

• Authorization of use by task: Assignee, Collaborators, Members.

Update collaborator list: Permission to edit collaborator list of tasks.

Update task title: Permission to edit task name in the system.

Check done task: Permission to mark task as complete/incomplete.

Update task description: Permission to edit task description.

Update task time: Permission to edit start date and due date.

Delete task: Permission to delete all data of created tasks.

Edit priority: Permission to edit task priority.

Change assignee: Permission to change task assignee.

Change project: Permission to change project of the task.

Edit labels: Permission to edit labels of the task.

Change task group: Permission to change task group.

Create new discussion: Permission to comment in the task details.

Create new document: Permission to add documents in the task details.

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